

21 extra adhesive stickers – standard worldwide postage included.

“fix the money, fix the world.”

Format 10.5 cm x 3.5 cm

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Bitcoin only payment, Lightning preferred.

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We are not entirely certain, who coined the idiom, that is at the heart of this classic looking bitcoin sticker rocking the signature sound money logo together with the Ubuntu italic bold font – some cats on twitter believe Marty Bent from TFTC21 may have been the originator who distilled this truth to its verbalized manifestation (thanks Marty for everything that you do in this space!) – but we know for sure that money is the biggest lever known to mankind, an invention that has been an integral part of almost each and every transaction among humans since approximately 30.000 years.

And we also know that, if this omnipresent technology used by billions day in and day out, should ever be maliciously broken one day… oh well, just take a look at whathappenedin1971

Even though you may not have grown up in a world without fiat money – know that: there was a time not long ago, when the gold standard was allowing individuals to save and store their hard work in a medium that wasn’t easily inflatable at will by governments, private and central banks at the expense of the common people.

And if the people of the world shall ever live in freedom and prosperity again, we must fix the invention that was intentionally broken to enrich the few and force peaceful women and men to endless wars around the globe at their own cost.

We are at the beginning of the third hype cycle that will introduce the next wave of millions of users to Bitcoin, an invention that provably can take away the promethean fire from authoritarian institutions and put it back into the hands of each and every individual that is willing to hold their own taper. Give your peers a clue! Penetrate their reality with this sticker and point them in the right direction. Let them know that to fix the world, we must fix the money. Do your part! Each one must teach one. The rest will follow. Gradually, then suddenly.


Download this PDF to have it printed as sticker in your local printshop

Or buy here, and we’ll have it shipped your way.

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